Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why would anyone want to "save" this dog?

I read this post (thank you, dear author) and an dumbfounded as to why anyone would want to save a dog that mauled a baby to death.

Seems to me that a dog that kills a family member violates the prime directive of dogdom - Thou Shalt Not Injure Thy Human Family.

See, there was a deal made between humans and dogs thousands of years ago.  You, dog, can hang out at our camps and eat our scraps, as long as you do no harm to us. 

In exchange for our scraps, you'll bark to warn us of larger predators, pick off a few rodents, and DO NO HARM TO THE PEOPLE IN THE CAMP.

Human, way back then, and up until the '60's or '70's, seemed to understand that those dogs that violated this agreement had to be "sent to the farm", culled, killed, you know, the smart thing.

When I was a kid, I had a  dog that bit a neighbor girl, not once, but on two separate occasions.  My parents, flawed as they were, "sent the dog to the farm".  At six, I already 'knew' what that meant.  IT took me awhile to understand that that end was a necessary evil.

Sad, very sad, but dogs that bite unprovoked, lose their cushy lives of being camp followers.

So what's with these people who want to save dogs that have KILLED?  Hell, they just "culled" an african elephant, and endangered WILD species, for overturning a car.


It's not just one, hell, there's a whole ORGANIZATION that does nothing but save dogs that have killed our mauled people.  Maybe more than one.

I like (some) dogs.  I know there are millions of dogs euthanized each year, most for doing nothing wrong at all.  And I'd bet thousands, if not tens of thousands, are killed because their owners fell on hard times, or died before their pets did. 

These were LOVED animals that did no harm. 

What motivates a person to save the dangerous dog, no, not just save it, but cherish it, and ignore the dozens of dogs with 'normal' pasts that are probably no more than an hour's drive away waiting to die in the local shelter?

Makes no sense to me. 


  1. It is an upside-down life we live in. I do not have an explanation for why anyone would want to save an animal like this, except one, possibly. And that is money. There seems to be a gravy train in rescue and there's a lot of sheltered (i.e. dumb) people with extra cash. If you just pull the right strings (heart) and use some lawyer speak, you can make a killer look like the victim.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i always picture the right to life freakshow protesting outside ted bundy's prison. i'm sure if those kooks thought a facebook campaign would save someone on death row, they would do it.

  4. many years ago I was sitting on a beach when A girl, who new me, ran from a distance of about 50 yards with a bucket of water to playfully throw over me ..Her father said he watched my dog eye her the whole way and when she was within a few feet he bolted and bit the hand holding the bucket !!..He was protecting me ...
    So ...do you put him down ...I thought I was supposed to but her father wouldn't hear of it
    Had that dog for many loving years after that ....with no incedent ....each case has to be judged on it's own merit ...

    1. That's nice.

      The dog in the story grabbed a toddler by the head and shook it so violently that it was killed.

      The folks that "rescued" the dog said that "the attack was not vicious".

      Would you judge that the same?

    2. I think the people who saved the dog should make a visit and let it grab them by the head and shake and see what they think then.

    3. So an innocent child was injured because you failed to control your dog? Whose fault was that? If the child was badly injured then I'd say YES, your dog should be put down because you have shown that you cannot be trusted to be responsible.
